THE TIKTOKIZATION OF CREATIVITYOr how I finally stopped worrying, became proactive and went ahead to do my own thing — A SEOUL STORIES MANIFESTOApr 18, 2021Apr 18, 2021
CHRONICLES OF A CRONYIST COUNTRY — 2Or the curious case of the Maltese movie ‘Blood on the Crown.’Mar 31, 2021Mar 31, 2021
MALTA’S HIDDEN CRISISAt the risk of being alarmist, Malta is fast heading into a mental health crisis. We can do something about it.Mar 29, 2021Mar 29, 2021
CHRONICLES OF A CRONYIST COUNTRY — ICronyism in Malta has become so endemic and part of the fabric of Maltese society, it is even affecting every aspect of daily life.Mar 27, 2021Mar 27, 2021
GOT MILK?While the backlash against Benna’s ad is warranted, this kind of engagement might not actually bring about valuable, urgent change.Mar 19, 2021Mar 19, 2021
HARD RESETThe world came to a sudden, devastating realization that it needed a hard reset, so why are we waiting for to go through with it?Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021