Since time immemorial, the absolute majority of prophets and mouthpieces for (hyper-)capitalism — not the small business owners and other socially-conscious capitalists, let’s make that clear— harped on about the crimes and misdemeanors of “Communism” — “Look at China!” they shout from the top of their money mountains!
It seems the irony is then completely lost on them when the most powerful corporations have absolutely no qualms outsourcing their work in “Communist” China to begin with. Or any other country, for all that matters, where working conditions are abysmal. Or in their own country too, where they’d prefer to employ migrant workers to cut costs on wages and worker benefits.
Someone will push you, the equally disenfranchised, the narrative of “they took our jobs”, but always ask yourself who decided to exploit — because let’s face it, working without job protection is definitely not employment — to exploit their situation to begin with, to benefit the corporation. Those who decided to exploit people without any sort of job protection and benefits, putting profit before people.
Remember who really got richer during these trying times.